Chamber members and members of the public may submit event information for inclusion on the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce’s online community calendar, if that event is open to the general public, occurs within/near to the Astoria and Warrenton area and abides by our Community Event Calendar Policy. Post your event using the public submission form, or chamber members login to your dashboard.
We invite you to join us for the Astoria Warrenton Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival to enjoy great coastal cuisine, arts and crafts, wine tasting and more! In 2021, this festival will be an interactive virtual format. This event is hosted by the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce and typically takes place in Astoria, Oregon.
Held the final full weekend of April: April 23-25, 2021
The virtual marketplace will be open 24/7 from April 23 through May 23, 2021.
The festival will be live during the following hours:
Saturday, April 24: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday, April 25: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
During the festival hours, attendees can enjoy live music, interactive demonstrations, and interact personally with vendors while shopping in the marketplace.
Check our event website or facebook event for details including community events and a dining passport.
Date and Time
Friday Apr 23, 2021 Sunday Apr 25, 2021
April 23, 24, & 25, 2021