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Auditions for Marjorie Prime
Director Markus Brown is looking for two men and two women for this family drama. Auditions will consist of readings from the script, which are available upon request. No memorization is required in advance.
Actors should arrive 15 minutes early to fill out a form and bring a calendar of any conflicts between now and April 12th, 2025. Headshots and resumes are welcome, but not required. Rehearsals will be scheduled based on the actors' availability and may include days, evenings, and weekends.
It’s the age of artificial intelligence, and 85-year-old Marjorie — a jumble of disparate, fading memories — has a handsome new companion who’s programmed to feed the story of her life back to her. What would we remember, and what would we forget, if given the chance? In this richly spare, wondrous new play, Jordan Harrison explores the mysteries of human identity and the limits — if any — of what technology can replace.
It’s the age of artificial intelligence, and 85-year-old Marjorie — a jumble of disparate, fading memories — has a handsome new companion who’s programmed to feed the story of her life back to her. What would we remember, and what would we forget, if given the chance? In this richly spare, wondrous new play, Jordan Harrison explores the mysteries of human identity and the limits — if any — of what technology can replace.
Please note this script deals with suicide. The subject matter may be difficult for some performers.
Marjorie - 85
Walter - 30’s
Tess - 55, Marjorie’s Daughter
Jon - 55, Marjorie’s Son-in-law
Marjorie - 85
Walter - 30’s
Tess - 55, Marjorie’s Daughter
Jon - 55, Marjorie’s Son-in-law
**Specific ages are not as important as the ability to portray the age in question.
If you wish to audition, but are unable to attend the scheduled dates, please email to schedule another time.

Date and Time
Monday Jan 27, 2025
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM PST
January 27th and 28th at 6:30pm
The Ten Fifteen Theater
1015 Commercial St - Astoria, OR 97103
Contact Information
Danyelle Tinker
Send Email