Chamber members and members of the public may submit event information for inclusion on the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce’s online community calendar, if that event is open to the general public, occurs within/near to the Astoria and Warrenton area and abides by our Community Event Calendar Policy. Post your event using the public submission form, or chamber members login to your dashboard.
Past to Present Lecture Series
February 6: Julia Keiter, US Army Corps of Engineers Julia Keiter is the Project Manager of the Mouth of the Columbia River at the Portland District US Army Corps of Engineers. With a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, she brings four years of experience in Navigation. Julia's expertise lies in overseeing and managing the dredging operations at the mouth of the Columbia River, ensuring smooth navigation for commercial vessels and maintaining the vitality of this important waterway.
Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 6, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
Tuesday Feb 6, 11:00 AM
Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive
Members are free; non-members admission cost
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