Astoria Elks BPOE Lodge #180

Open: Sun 9am to 4pm; Mon, Tue & Thu 4pm to 8pm; Sat 4pm to 9pm; closed on Wed
About Us
Banquets, private parties at the historic Astoria Elks Building, also known as Astoria B.P.O.E. Lodge No. 180 Building, is an Elks building in Astoria, Oregon, that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It was built in 1923 and has a Beaux Arts architectural style. It was listed on the National Register in 1990. Club Lounge - Video Poker, New 60'' Big Screen TV; Club Dining Room - Seating for 100 can expand to 175; Club Pool Room - Two Pool Tables one Billiard Table, Foosball Table. Kids Corner with VCR/DVD player TV Cable, Toys; Lodge Room - Seating capacity 350. Dining seating capacity 250, Ideal for Reunions, Wedding Receptions, & Company Holiday Parties. A very IMPRESSIVE Room. Friday night is Bingo at 6pm for members and their guests with dinner available between 5-7pm. Karaoke is every 2nd & 4th Saturday. And coming soon is an indoor 50 yard archery lane.
- Wedding Receptions
- Reunions
- Holiday Parties