NW Community Alliance

Health CareEmploymentNon-Profit
Administrative Offices:
9 PM - 4 PM M-F
Thrift Store:
9:30 AM - 5 PM M-F; 10 AM - 5 PM
Driving Directions:
From North US Hwy 101, turn left on private drive located approx. 1/2-mi south of the West Lake Dr.
From South US Hwy 101, turn right on private drive located approx. 500' north of Wild Daffodil Ln.
About Us
Northwest Community Alliance (NCA) envisions a world in which all people have the opportunity to participate in the community in which they choose to work and live. NCA has provided supports to people with intellectual/development disabilities (I/DD) since 1973. The agency was formed by a grass roots movement of parents who had children with I/DD. They did not want to see their children referred to the large institutions operated by the state, but wanted to offer meaningful work activities in their home community of Astoria. Upon establishing the agency, NCA began offering work activities to the children of these pioneering parents. NCA's employment services for individuals with I/DD in Clatsop County include community integrated employment, small group supported employment, and employment path service training through our thrift store that are designed to help people gain work skills in order to become gainfully employed in the community. Currently, NCA partners with community employers, providing janitorial service and window washing for local businesses. NCA also supports individuals who are already gainfully employed but require some minimal supports in order to maintain their jobs. In addition to employment services, NCA also provides residential support services through supported living programs and the operation of 14 group homes in Clatsop and Multnomah Counties.