Tongue Point Job Corps Center

About Us
Providing employability training -vocational, academic, and social skills training - to qualified youth, ages 16-24, in a residential living setting.
What We Do
Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. The Job Corps program is authorized by Title I-C of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. For more information about the Job Corps program at a national level, please visit our Official Public Website.
At Tongue Point Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program's mission of teaching eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and placing them in meaningful jobs or further education.
Who We Are
Tongue Point Job Corps Center is overseen by the San Francisco Regional Office of Job Corps and is operated by Management and Training Corporation. Our Center Director is Kim Shillinger.
Our History
Tongue Point Job Corps Center is located on the former site of a former navy base built in 1939. Our center opened in 1965, one of the first Job Corps centers in the nation.
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